Friday, September 18, 2009


Hi, class. Hope you're all doing well... There is a graphic novel that just came out, but if you want to get a copy, you'll have to go to QC, i think, or purchase it online or through a bank. It is not yet available on local bookstores. Anyway, the title is Martial Law Babies by Arnold Arre. It's a graphic novel, so I think manga fans would love it. Arnold Arre is by the way one of the best local graphic artist/writers we have in the country. Check out his website at God bless.

Ma'am Joan

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thank you so much, class...

Hi... I'm still alive and cramming as usual. I'm trying to beat the deadline for the submission of grades tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll have your grades posted just in time.... I'm going through your blog posts now, and I'm almost half-way through. But before I fall off my chair from drowsiness, I want to say thank you so much for making this past term meaningful for me. Since the term is over, and I hope I don't see you guys again next term (in Hum 014;P), I can reveal my secret to you... Huddle up(:P). I was really nervous to teach this course; I hope that wasn't too obvious whenever I step into the classroom. You can just imagine the amount of preparation I put into our every class discussion to at least show some amount of mastery on the topics we will be covering. I ask the experts around (special thanks to Ma'am Dianne and Ma'am Recillo); I read as much as I can. In fact, I was so anxious about our course that I think I wasn't able to handle the other subjects I'm teaching well. I think the effort was well worth it though because reading the essays you have written and seeing the results of your final exam make me think that you got something from our sessions. And I have to thank you for that as well. If not for the witty observations and reactions you have shared in class, I don't think we would have reached this level of intellectual maturity (naks!). And class, I seldom become this emotional to my students, but I have to admit that I will really miss you. I don't do well on outward manifestation of affection, but I'll treasure our class interactions in my heart.

I owe my dedication to two professors that I have had: Ma'am Jurilla and Dr. Lua. They are my models of what an exemplary teacher is. I learned a lot from them because they really exerted an effort to make me learn. So you have them to thank also.

It's almost midnight, so I gotta go back to checking your blog posts. Let's keep in touch. God bless!!!

(I hope the rumor that they are planning to remove Phil. Lit. in English from the new curriculum doesn't push through...;( )

Ma'am Joan

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ribbon-cutting ceremonies on Monday, August 17, 2009

Hi, class. The ribbon-cutting ceremonies will push through on Monday, 1pm, at the ET Yuchengco lobby. For those who are free by 11:30, please drop by at the 2ndfloor faculty room to help me in the arrangements. If I'm not there, I'll mostprobably be at the ET Yuchengco lobby. I have already invited the available teachers to grace the event.I have talked to Prof. Cora Vergara already, and she gave permission to excuse Jet and all the others from the physics lab on Monday, from 1 to 1:30 pm. Hopefully, the ceremony will not run longer than that. I didn't want to trouble the other teachers anymore since I know a lot of us are rushing on the lessons since the finals week is fast approaching... For the rest, if you're free, just please drop by. God bless us.

For the group of Jet Bodoso in A14, please see the file of your script that Ihave uploaded here. Please start memorizing your lines. Thanks.

Ma'am Joan

Friday, August 14, 2009


For the nth time, the ribbon-cutting ceremonies will be on Monday, 1PM, August 17, 2009, instead. I shall be inviting the faculty members and the admin people to grace the event. I'm sending the invitation after I post this message, so there'll be no taking it back. I hope more students can come by this time. I'll see you at the ET Yuchengco lobby, okay? The programme is still the same. Opening prayer shall be led by Lara Vizarra, Intoduction of the Tanaga shall be Harpst, and the short message on poetry shall be Jethro Bodoso. I'll get another student from A14, to balance the number of participants in the programme. Then we'll play the recording of your poetry readings. God bless us.

I'll see most of you...


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Change of Ribbon-cutting ceremonies schedule again...

Sorry, class, for the postponement of the ribbon-cutting ceremonies again. Let's move it to Saturday, 12nn instead. Final answer.:) I'll post the invites to the teacher tomorrow. I'm having the recording of our poetry reading edited, hopefully by Saturday, it will be ready. I hope Mark Lester will be able to do wonders on it. For the programme, let's have this tentative line-up:


I hope this is okay with you guys... By the way, for A15, bring the final scripts of the plays tomorrow, and please reproduce copies of it for your groupmates, then just ask them to pay for the photocopies. This way you can all review the scripts and revise them accordingly. Please photocopy the scripts before the start of our class. Reproduce them according to the number of characters that you will be needing. And I hope you have read Conrado de Quiros's column today in Phil. dily Inquirer.

God bless, class. Be ready for our quiz.

Ma'am Joan

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Class, IF YOU HAVE TIME, PLEASE DROP BY AT THE ET YUCHENGCO LOBBY ON FRIDAY, 12NN, FOR THE RIBBON-CUTTING CEREMONIES OF OUR MINI-EXHIBIT. I decidd to postpone it because I'm still trying to find a way how we can improve on the recording of your poetry reading. If there's anybody who can do it, please let me know. I will also invite the available faculty members to grace the event. Let's prepare a programme when we meet in class.

BTW, regarding your one-act plays, I just learned from our Dean that if we want to use the auditorium for our performances, we should schedule them not later than August 22, 2009, which is next Saturday already. This is because we cannot hold anymore activities at the auditorium the week before the finals. I think that's to help the students concentrate on their academic review. Plus, if we hold it in the auditorium, there are the sounds, lights, and other things that we have to take care of. You will also be preparing your props. The alternative venue is the multi-purpose hall. That's the room across the auditorium. I have told you before that I have seen plays performed in smaller rooms, pretty much the size of that hall. Let's talk about this more inside the class. Perhaps, we can delay the discussion of the novel until the 11th week to give way to the rehearsals of your plays. The scripts have to be done this week so that the practice can commence next week...

Aside from this, I also learned from Prof. Dinne that Letran Calamba is staging a musical play this Thursday and Friday. The play starts at 6PM, and the tickets cost P100 each. It's too late to make arrangements now, but you can go there on your own. Let's talk about this more, again, during our class. If you're interested, ask permission from your parents already. Remember, if you do decide to go, you'll be going with your friends, and not with me although I might see it on either of the two performance dates...

That's it. I guess. I hope this message of mine doesn't get erased because the first one did. God bless, class.

Ma'am Joan

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Burried in a mound of papers
Crawling like worms into my skin
Peeling me off, layer by layer
Flesh starts to dismember
Exposing the fragile bone within

Class, this is me, getting gory every second...
Eyes wide with panic with the mounting papers...
and blog entries:P to check...

Hehe. Anyway, for A15, get ready for our quiz tomorrow. Regarding your Tanagas, I'll try to look into them later tonight. But I think it's better if we can discuss it with each other personally because it is sometimes difficult to find the words to faithfully convey the thoughts running through my mind especially when you are not present to explain your reason for choosing certain words over others... (Nagpapalusot...) My husband is already here. I need to accompany him to the doctor, so 'til later... Hopefully:P

God bless. See you!